Flipside of Midlife

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Thinking About a Plant-Based Diet?

In May of this year, I had an appointment with my new internal medicine doctor. I appreciated the time she spent with me and the questions she asked about my health and wellness.

Near the end of our appointment, she encouraged me to consider adopting a plant-based diet. She shared her experience of moving to a plant-based diet (90% of the time) and how she eliminated all animal-derived food from her home. To learn more, she recommended I watch the movie The Game Changers and told me about the book How Not to Die by Michael Greger, M.D.

I was impressed by her 'walking the talk' and decided to at least watch the movie. It couldn't hurt to learn more!

Later that day, my husband and I sat down to watch. As former athletes, we appreciated the sports-related focus of the movie. As lifelong animal-based eaters, we liked seeing the evidence of how a plant-based diet can impact your health. When it was over, we looked at each other and knew a substantial shift was in store for us. We agreed to follow the doctor's lead and eat plant-based 90% of the time.

We spent the next few weeks tweaking our grocery list, trying different plant-based food, and eating the remaining animal-based food items in our home. Next up was finding new recipes and trying a few plant-based restaurants. Lastly, we evaluated our favorite restaurants to see what plant-based options or modifications were part of the menu.

It took us about a month to get to the 90% mark. Depending on the week, we may end closer to 95%. Dining out (or taking out) is one of our favorite things to do together, and we try to eat plant-based at restaurants 50% of the time.

It averages out to 1 or 2 meals a week that we are not following a plant-based diet. It helps us stick to it!

Here are a few things I've learned on my plant-based journey so far:

  • eating a plant-based diet is easier than you think it will be

  • I thought I would miss beef and pork the most, but I find myself missing cheese and eggs more

  • a plant-based diet does not make you a vegan

  • plant-based is not always healthy- there are unhealthy ingredients in processed plant-based food just like there are in processed animal-based food- read nutrition labels and limit the amount of food you buy that has a label

  • it is not difficult to eat sufficient protein in a plant-based diet

  • I severely lacked fiber in my diet (FYI- 95% of Americans DO NOT meet the recommended intake of fiber)- not an issue now!

  • it takes a few weeks for your digestive system to adjust to a plant-based diet

  • your tastebuds change & you start craving foods from your new diet

  • I can feel it when I don't eat plant-based- I feel sluggish

  • trying new foods, recipes, and restaurants is an adventure

  • in some restaurants, it takes creativity and modifications in the kitchen to order plant-based options

  • for some unknown reason, many restaurants serve plant-based burgers on gluten-free buns - my husband and I are both puzzled by this (and a little miffed when we forget to ask for a regular bun when we order!)

  • the things I thought I knew about healthy eating were greatly challenged by reading How Not to Die- it's a big book, but SO worth it- adopting even a portion of the advice inside is adding years to my life (and my husband's!)

I never thought I would be following a plant-based diet. The science has convinced me, however. With a flexible target of 90%, we are reaping the benefits without being so restrictive that we end up being the pain-in-the-ass guests at the dinner party (you know whom I mean, right?!).

I encourage you to learn more about plant-based eating and explore a bit. Have a few plant-based days per week. Replace dairy items with plant-based options and add more fruits, vegetables, greens, and beans to your meals. It doesn't have to be all-or-nothing. Even small changes can make a difference in your health. Find what works for you!

Have you watched The Game Changers? Have you read How Not to Die by Michael Greger, M.D.? How do you feel about plant-based eating? What questions do you have for me?

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