Welcome to my female friends who want to meet other women in midlife & beyond, enjoy a positive environment that fosters wellness, and focus on feeling good (whatever that looks like for you!).
This event offers a chance to talk about life, support one another, share positive vibes, and have fun! It's two hours for Y O U ✨
We’ll gather around my large patio table to chat over morning beverages (non-alcoholic) and have a short (approximately 75-minute) guided discussion. This month's topic is fueling your body for longevity!
Let’s talk about nutrition, rest, and movement. How do these benefit our bodies and when do we cross he line from helpful to hurtful?
Midlife and beyond is a perfect storm of hormones, metabolism, and stress. (okay, more like an I’M perfect storm). Attend to discover where you want to make small shifts to help your body serve you well for the decades ahead of you.
This event honors introverts and extroverts alike. Please attend to connect with other women, share experiences, and immerse yourself in positive vibes that boost your well-being.
$10 - only 13 spots available - registration deadline is Thursday, May 30th, by noon (12pm) AZ Time
Location: A private residence in Phoenix near 44th St. & Thomas Rd. Specifics shared when you sign up.