Flipside of Midlife

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Simplify Your Physical Activity to Stick with It

Most of us know physical activity should be part of our daily lives. But every single one of us encounters challenges. Even though physical activity can help us live healthier lives, it is not uncommon to find ways to avoid it. 

Many feel overwhelmed and experience a lack of motivation when it comes to moving our bodies. Our perceptions of what physical activity looks like can derail us with a sense of dread. I encourage you to step back and use trial and error to find what feels good and fits into your life. 

Simplifying can be an effective strategy for breaking down barriers to daily physical activity. The easier it is, the more likely we are to make it part of our life for the long haul.

Below are tips to help you simplify your physical activity:

  • name it something that doesn't trigger overwhelming thoughts

    -I prefer to use movement, but use whatever word works for you! Fitness? Working out? Activity? PA? A word you create?

  • evaluate your reason for being physically active

    -identify the real reason you want to be active every day

-ensure it relates to your values- you are more likely to follow through when you have a meaningful reason

  • spread your physical activity throughout the day

    -shorter chunks of time make it easier to fit into a busy life

    -it isn't as overwhelming when you bite off 8-10 minutes at a time

  • let go of the gym membership if you don't go to the gym- no more guilt!

    -if you like an occasional class, pay the drop-in fee or find a free/low-cost community class

    -save that monthly membership fee and treat yourself to a spa day when you hit a goal

  • do the things you enjoy

    -time flies when you are having fun!

  • use your bodyweight to build strength- no equipment needed

    -you always have it with you!

    -a closet full of equipment adds clutter to your life

  • build movement into your daily tasks- get creative!

    -while working- stand instead of sitting, have walking meetings, take a few flights of stairs instead of the elevator, take walking breaks a few times a day, do calf-raises when you are on the phone

    -cleaning- tighten your core when sweeping & vacuuming, fit in some squats when dusting, put in your headphones & dance while you do dishes or fold laundry

    -running errands- park far away to get in more steps

    -caring for your pets and kids- walk, run, jump, lift, play

    -a day at the pool/beach- swim, jump over waves, surf, walk at the water’s edge, tread water, paddleboard

    -in the yard- pull weeds, dig in the garden, mow the lawn, rake leaves, shovel snow

    -shopping- park far away, add a few laps around the grocery store perimeter, walk the mall a few times

    -watching TV- stretch, hold a plank, do squats

    -park the car- ride your bike or walk instead

  • find your inner child and play!

    -revisit your favorite playground games- Double Dutch or hopscotch, anyone?

    -visit a park- swing, jump, run, hang

Find what works for you. Keep it simple to remove barriers and maintain consistency. Then reap the rewards of an active life!

What do you think of these strategies? Which ones speak to you? How do you stay consistent with your physical activity?

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